Globally renowned expert advisor and broadcaster on culture, accounting, finance, business ethics, holistic education and leadership

In the field of financial regulation and management consulting, no-one can be bigger than the Big4 global accounting firms – Deloitte, PWC, EY and KPMG. Their annual revenues have totalled several hundred billion dollars, and they are immune to booms and busts. However, one of their historic core businesses, auditing, has been receiving severe criticism due to the large number of corporate failures, and the inability of these firms to warn society in advance, something that they are being paid to do. Earlier, I wrote a research article on the bestselling book Beancounters, by Richard Brooks, which charted their history, and significant growth in conflicts of interest.
There is renewed concern on both sides of the Atlantic, with British reforms being very slow and inconclusive. I was interviewed by the prestigious City A.M. newspaper about my academic research on this theme, and what shape the reforms should take.
You can read the full City A.M. article here.
If you are interested in reading more about my relevant research, there are a number of free research articles on my Academia webpage which can help you follow this story. For my books, follow the links on this website and they are all available from Amazon.