Instead of being a means to an end, finance has become an end in itself. Leaders think and behave in exclusive, selfish and unsustainable ways. Experts profit from the science and education, often at the expense of soul, society and nature. Techniques of finance have covered up the greed and selfishness that have devastated lives and economies. The roles of wisdom, tradition, community and faith have been diminished by neoliberalism and neo-classical materialistic economics over the last forty years. We are living through a profound moral and cultural crisis, rising inequality and plutocracy. This practice is destroying the social, natural and trust capital that already exists and is urgently in need of replenishing.
‘Inclusive Finance’ draws upon diverse wisdom traditions and their current living business practices to show that not only is another world possible, it is actually hiding in plain sight. Award winning writer and broadcaster, Professor Atul K. Shah argues that our obsession with utilitarian western secular science has disabled us from exposing the diverse and living organic practices of finance. Cultures and traditions, carry within them hundreds of years of experience of business and finance, which are dismissed and ignored today in the technocratic and positivist business school and professions. Black Lives do Matter when it comes to alternative visions of a moral and sustainable future. Communities are living clusters of social, leadership, moral and relationship capital which are priceless in finance, yet ignored by modern ‘enlightened’ intellectuals. If allowed to, they can help us improve finance theory and wisdom.
The Climate, Racism and Inequality crises demand new institutional and cultural solutions to transform behaviour and heal the planet. It also needs to place harmonious living communities at the heart of sustainable society. Examples of these cultures already practicing respect and compassion in their belief systems include the Catholics, Quakers, Parsees, Sikhs, the Yoruba, the Kikuyu, Parsis, Jains, Hindus, Ismailis, Jews, Christians and many other diverse faiths and communities. Through real life examples and case studies, this book illustrates and develops a new organic theory of finance which can be taught and shared all over the world, helping society to prepare for a sustainable and inclusive future. It provides valuable empowerment to experts from different cultures and traditions to write about their own finance practices and in turn encourage their students and communities to embrace sustainability ideals.
The Book is 225 pages long and the Chapters are:
1 Morality 2. Tradition 3. Community 4. Experience 5. Purpose
There is only one person in the world who could write a book which roams from indigenous traditions to Christianity; from Jainism to Islam while at the same time dismantling the myths and legends that lie behind contemporary economics. In a fascinating journey through the riches that lie just below the surface in all the great faith and cultural traditions, Professor Shah asks us to listen again to ancient wisdom which has more to say about who we are and why we need to invest in a sustainable world than any UN declaration or economist forecast. Read this and discover hidden treasures of wisdom and see a potentially radically realisable different world.
Martin Palmer, Founder, BBC broadcaster and CEO, Faith Invest and author of twenty books
Professor Atul K Shah is a powerful voice speaking truth to power within the financial sector. He articulates what needs to be said, and done, with courage, integrity, profound wisdom and compelling case studies. His exciting organic theory of ethical finance offers practical solutions to inspire leaders to embrace sustainability ideals and to revolutionise financial leadership. This book fills me with hope that sustainable and ethical business and finance practice will once more transform the world and make it a far better place for everyone.
Dr Lynne Sedgmore CBE
Former Chief Executive of The Centre for Excellence in Leadership UK. Debretts 500 list 2015.
Inclusive and Sustainable Finance is a paradigm shifting and ground-breaking book that shows how and why global narrow reliance of western utilitarian economic and finance models and thinking has resulted in excessive greed, corrupt leadership and selfishness that have consistently devastated lives and global economies. By contrast, Professor Atul K. Shah, an eminent global scholar, shows that the world of finance and investment can learn a lot by drawing from diverse and alternative cultures, religions and economic systems, such as Catholics, Quakers, Parsees, Sikhs, the Yoruba, the Kikuyu, Parsis, Jains, Hindus, Ismailis, Jews, Christians and many other diverse faiths and communities. Drawing insights directly from finance and investment experts from different fields around the globe, Professor Shah illustrates and develops a new organic theory of finance which can be taught and shared all over the world, helping society to prepare for a sustainable and inclusive future. This book is ideal for finance and investment students, practitioners, academics, policymakers and regulators. I fully endorse and recommend it for your reading. Professor Collins Ntim, Department of Accounting, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK.
Atul K Shah‘s book is a true moment of breakthrough for business ethics. As a professor of business ethics I cannot tell you how hard it is to change the climate of education in this field from an approach that only looks at western ethical traditions to one that includes and even prioritizes non-western traditions. Shah’s work puts Dharma and Pluralism front and center as a potential competitor to the dominant utilitarian view used in business decision making and business ethics. He does so by drawing on his own open-minded Jain tradition, which aims for harm reduction, animal compassion and well-fare promotion, to address issues about finance and the environment. Shah lays out core ideas in a clear and accessible way. And he draws the reader in with his eloquent style of writing and engaging examples. As business ethics becomes deservedly more global Shah’s book will both be an example of how to make non-western ethics relevant to business ethics as well as a defense and articulation of how Dharma can be used to make the world a better place. As Shah says in the beginning of the book: finance is a means not an end in itself!
Professor Anand Vaidya, San Jose State University, Chair – American Philosophical Association
This is an amazing, timely and hopeful book which directly addresses the awful mess we have made of the world and its citizens. We are threatened with extinction. Climate change is wreaking havoc across the globe. 25,000 human beings including tiny babies and small children die of hunger every day. Our spiritualties have been quashed by empty promises of beauty, luxury goods, social media mythical “perfect lives”, and so on. In the face of this, our daily newscasts report on markets; we are informed of stock price indices, interest rates and currency values. Finance is central to our lives. Atul’s wonderful book, not only dispels some of the myths surrounding finance, but turns the world upside down by considering ways in which finance might be reconfigured to provide some solutions to the dire mess we are in.
Professor Christine Cooper, University of Edinburgh, Editor – Critical Perspectives on Accounting
In the struggle for a compassionate and just world, finance is a powerful tool. As currently practiced, however, it is largely missing in action, its extractivist obsession on profits at all costs devoid of care for the environment and the well-being of workers and communities. Dr. Atul Shah has a response, a blueprint for finance that supports human and planetary flourishing. For me, Atul’s is beautiful language about a topic that is usually described with the most self-referential, destructive vocabulary. Do not consider this a call for a “kinder, gentler” finance. Recognize it as a direct and clear treatise on the kind of finance necessary for the future of life itself.
The Rev. Fletcher Harper, Executive Director, GreenFaith
Inclusive and sustainable finance is a vital work in a world dominated by a fundamentally western and unsustainable financial system. The book centers around interviews with diverse leaders who have set inspiring and encouraging examples in their respective professional fields, paving the way for systematic reform of finance and accounting as we know it.
“A silent duty”, Prof Atul K. Shah calls it, the work that lies ahead of educators and representatives of professional bodies; work that will intertwine culture and principle to create a different world.
A new world in which mathematics, materialism and standardized practice no longer obfuscate ethical deliberation and consideration. A world in which there is room for diverse and organic practices of finance, and for embracing sustainable ideals.
Prof Atul K. Shah personifies this very message, pioneering an approach that leads to the creation of practices sustaining the world for generations to come.
Margreeth Kloppenburg, educational innovator, author on professional honor and business integrity and chair of the faculty of Ethics, Culture and Behaviour of the Royal NetherlandsInstitute of Chartered Accountants

Review in PQ Magazine:
We firmly believe this is a seminal work, and have no doubt that in 10 years’ time everyone will be saying ‘he told us so’! PQ rating: 5/5 As the dust jacket says, this pioneering book draws on diverse traditions and their current living business practices to show that not only is another world possible, but is hiding in plain sight. We read it from cover to cover and thoroughly recommend you do too.
From Ian Fraser:
Having a rogue, parasitic finance sector that has captured the state is clearly unhealthy for any society. Since this is what we have in Britain and indeed most developed countries, despite the sector’s brush with self-extinction in 2008, this is a very timely book. Atul Shah authoritatively outlines the problems that beset modern finance — it has become largely self-serving, short-termist, exploitative, inequality-fuelling and environmentally disastrous — while being divorced from most people’s cultural and religious roots. Shah calls for fundamental reform and examines a range of solutions, including the adoption of a number of benign and culturally diverse sustainable finance practices from around the world, some of which have been in existence for centuries, and most of which are hiding in plain sight. He also calls for an urgent overhaul of how finance is taught to ensure the next generation of students are less obsessed with personal self-enrichment and more focused on purpose. Shah is a fierce critic of the current drive for Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), describing these as “hypocritical spin machines” designed to allow financial firms to carry on with business as usual, while sidestepping the need for fundamental reform. If you are concerned about the future of the planet, and want to ensure the finance sector becomes fairer, more responsible, and more accountable, this is the book for you.
Ian Fraser – Bestselling Finance Author, ‘Shredded’ – the inside story of RBS failure
Here is another stunning masterpiece from the celebrated author Prof Shah. This book is a riveting account of the role of culture and faith in the modern world of finance. For me, it is a page-turner and one of the most fascinating reads of the year. Prof Shah has brought us an ocean of ideas in the areas of ethical finance and sustainable finance, through narratives and examples which make his writing very accessible. Prof Shah has taken the bull by the horn and convincingly exposed the profound changes in theory and ontology required to make this shift to a sustainable world.
Professor Dr. Devendra Jain, Flame University, India
Professor Atul Shah’s latest book continues his trenchant criticism of the financial establishment. He implores us to reimagine finance by drawing inspiration from global faiths and wisdom traditions. I genuinely believe there is a lot for us to learn from these traditions and welcome the call for a diverse multifaceted ethical foundation to ground a new envisioning of finance.
Dr. Shamil Chandaria OBE, Finance Scholar and Serial Innovator
Professor Shah addresses one of the meta-stories of neoliberalism: how unfettered financialised rent-seeking is destroying both the global economy and our planet. Another model of finance is required which places community, sustainable production and ethical behaviour ahead of all other considerations. Atul makes an eloquent contribution to this crucial debate by drawing upon timeless wisdom traditions, so spread the word.
John Christensen, Founder, Tax Justice Network
Dr. Atul Shah’s highly anticipated new work is akin to a Festschrift dedicated to all those individuals worldwide who have taken to heart Immanuel Kant’s 1795 treatise of Perpetual Peace, in which a monumental yearning for commercial non-violence gained incisive focus by equating biocultural values with the potential for fair trade and equitable, intergenerational economics. Professor Shah’s Inclusive And Sustainable Finance underscores the critical hour for recognizing disparity, engendering co-symbiotic mechanisms for lifting nearly 3 billion of our fellow citizens out of financial marginalization, and 800 million, mostly young people, back from the brink of hunger – through juridical choices that begin with every consumer, and within every board room. I have known Dr. Shah for nearly three decades and have had the privilege of seeing the evolution of his own enlightened thought as it tackled the values in finance necessary to redeem what has, admittedly, been a history – a human history – of greed, waste, and predatory marketplace techniques of exploitation. He has examined accounting denominated standards, and the ill-equipped lexicon of loss and gain throughout human cultures and arrived upon a portal into an ecological and ethical realm.
Throughout Professor Shah’s “diverse ethics” orientation to capital, like John Ruskin, and Mahatma Gandhi – who himself was so taken with Ruskin’s call to alleviate poverty through a back-to-basics, locally sustainable approach – Shah has brought tremendous wisdom and weight to bear upon the intrinsically ecological nature of exchange. To demonstrate with clear prose and pragmatic idealism how it works, what it is, and what we can do, each of us, to contribute to a planet that is, by every forensic metric, hemorrhaging in this, the Anthropocene, or, sixth extinction spasm in the annals of biology. These are the enormous stakes involved in Professor’s Shah’s extraordinary new book. It should be inculcated into the agendas of every nation, territory, community, university and hamlet; enlivening all those discussions and negotiations that will either serve this and future generations, or, condemn us all, and the biosphere upon which we all depend for our breath, our water, our sanity.
I commend Atul for a brilliant new in-depth overview of what is clearly one of the key tools – finance and ecological accountability – for saving the earth. It will add clarity and loft to an existing movement which urgently requires this precise kind of cross-disciplinary approach to every form of reciprocity. Otherwise, we shall all wake up and discover, as Henry David Thoreau once said, in words to the effect: I spent four years at college studying economics only to learn that by doing so I had plunged my parents into irretrievable debt.
Dr. Michael Charles Tobias, Ecologist, and author of over 50 pioneering books including ‘Environmental Meditation’ and ‘Life Force: The World of Jainism’, President, Dancing Star Foundation
It’s time for conversations about economics, politics and public life which incorporate kindness and altruism to be put into the core analysis. Professor Shah is an innovator who completely shifts the terms of our debates.
Professor Corinne Fowler, University of Leicester, Bestselling author of ‘Green Unpleasant Land’.
Dr Atul Shah has penned a brilliant critique of the culture of finance capitalism and its devastating effects on societies and peoples’ lives. More than this, he has mined the rich resources, traditions, wisdom, and ethics of multiple faith communities from across the world, and brought them back to life. His aim is ambitious, and necessary: nothing less than to force the powers that be to rethink their ideas, culture, practices, and join the effort ‘to transform behaviour and heal the planet…” by placing ‘harmonious living communities at the heart of sustainable society..’ A must-read book based on a lifetime’s thought and intellectual effort.
Professor Inderjeet Parmar FAcSS, Political Economist, City, University of London.
Atul tackles taboo topics that interact with money and finance: race, community, culture, ethics, faith and even death. It is a finance book without any equations or numbers which is truly rare. By documenting discussions with diverse leaders, he confronts the classical view that money and finance are neutral, and instead highlights the economic power imbalances that economics creates. This book exposes the deep cracks and fissures in existing finance science and teaching. As inclusivity and the environment come to the fore, more educators should follow his example and teaching.
Professor Mark B. Shackleton, Professor of Finance, University of Lancaster
Inclusive and Sustainable Finance offers insights rarely uttered by those in the accountancy profession. The book turns a leaf beyond classical economic aspirations opening alternative possibilities for finance. It embeds the field into notions of ethical leadership drawing on the experiences of individuals who foreground traditions of community spirit. The book above all calls for change that prioritises human and social growth above narrow financial purpose. It will provide balance to any finance professional’s book collection.
Professor Alnoor Bhimani, London School of Economics
Echoing the poignant indignity of Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg’s scorching 2019 address to the United Nations, Professor Atul Shah demands a radical rethinking of arid and abstract accounting and finance practices that are causing unnecessary and unconscionable poverty, discrimination, death, and environmental degradation on a grand scale. Shah’s solution: listen to diverse voices who will speak the truth on their own terms. Shah brings these voices to life through a thought-provoking series of interviews and case studies of businesses across the globe that flourish through an embrace of culture, morality, and tradition. We ignore these voices at our own peril.
Professor Daniel T. Ostas, JD, PhD, Chair of Business Ethics, University of Oklahoma
As the cracks in financial expertise are widening, Atul Shah is showing us a richer tradition of financial practice which has been hiding in plain sight. The decolonisation of finance is already here, and we better pay attention.
Professor Hendrik Vollmer, Warwick Business School, UK.
Just like the re-discovery of Eastern meditation techniques and yoga have been game changing for the mental well being of many worldwide, Prof Shah’s contribution to rediscovering the wisdom inherent in the teachings of various timeless belief systems can be positive for the well being of western finance. We just need to be prepared to engage and listen with an open heart and mind.
Amit Lodha, Chief Investment Officer, Artian & Ex Global Fund manager – Fidelity International
There’s no question that finance sectors are broken and are disconnected from the human suffering they can cause, and greed is central to that. It’s refreshing therefore to read about the wisdoms and traditions that pull finance back towards serving all people, economies and nature in healthy ways. It is urgently necessary and this timely book illustrates hopeful ways forward on reclaiming this space which for so long has been lacking the respect and compassion that is essential for nourishing all life on earth.
Naomi Fowler, Tax Justice Network and Taxcast
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