Globally renowned expert advisor and broadcaster on culture, accounting, finance, business ethics, holistic education and leadership
Hear my broadcast on the BBC World Service on this vital topic

There is huge discussion today on the breakdown of trust in society. For me, it is parallel to the rise of materialism, individualism and secularism. Too many intellectuals consider traditions as regressions, rather than reservoirs of wisdom and experience. In accounting and finance, the caculations ensure there is no place for tradition and culture. However, when we look at sustained success in these fields, good leadership often comes from people of tradition, wisdom and conscience. In this BBC World Service Compass documentary series ‘Money, Money, Money’ I was interviewed about my views on this from the Jain perspective. Accountancy is a very popular profession for the Jains, and one in which they often succeed. In our history, we have been treasurers and advisors to Kings, and are said to have accounting in our DNA. I touch upon the secrets of this success, one of which is a profound understanding of the nature and limits of money, something which is also never discussed in the professional syllabi. You can listen to the broadcast here. My book on Jainism and Ethical Finance goes much deeper into these issues, and shows that Jain wisdom is very timely and relevant for the whole world in these times of climate change and inequality.